Pre-orders for the Apple Vision Pro will open from January 19. This cutting-edge augmented reality (AR) headset will officially hit the market on February 2. According to TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, the initial shipments of the Apple Vision Pro will be limited, ranging between 60,000 and 80,000 units. Despite this relatively small quantity, industry experts predict a rapid sell-out due to groundbreaking technology innovations and an unparalleled user experience.
Ming-Chi Kuo emphasizes that the hardware specifications and software of the Apple Vision Pro surpass industry standards. The analyst believes that the hefty $3,499 price tag will not deter consumers from acquiring this AR headset. Instead, Kuo suggests that it’s the revolutionary technology and user experience that will drive the rapid depletion of the initial batch. Apple, a company known for its diversified revenue streams, sees the first release of the Apple Vision Pro as a pilot launch, gauging market response to this novel product.
Kuo predicts that Apple will ship around 500,000 units of the Vision Pro in 2024
Although the initial shipment is relatively small, generating an estimated $279.92 million, Apple will likely capitalize on accessory sales. In addition to the AR headset, the company plans to offer prescription lenses priced between $99 and $149. This additional revenue stream underscores Apple’s strategic approach to expanding its market presence in the AR domain.
Looking ahead, Kuo predicts that the company will ship around 500,000 units of the Apple Vision Pro in 2024. Furthermore, he anticipates a prolonged lifespan for this model, with its successor not entering mass production until 2027.
Amidst these projections, rumors circulate about Apple developing a more affordable alternative set for a potential launch in 2025. This lower-cost option may differentiate itself by incorporating an iPhone chipset rather than a Mac one, accompanied by a display that, while inferior, could make AR technology more accessible to a broader consumer base.
In conclusion, the imminent release of the Apple Vision Pro has generated significant excitement in the tech community. With limited initial stock and a high price tag, the success of this AR headset hinges on Apple’s commitment to groundbreaking technology and the overall user experience, as enthusiasts eagerly await the opportunity to explore the possibilities of augmented reality.