At CES 2024, Garmin has launched the Lily 2 series smartwatch. It comprises standard and classic variants. The Lily 2 smartwatch arrives as the successor to the original model that debuted way back in 2021. The latest offering packs incremental upgrades over its predecessor while retaining the same design. Read on to learn what the wearable device offers out of the box.
The Garmin Lily 2 fashionable smartwatch for women finally launched
The Garmin Lily 2 is a women-centric smartwatch. It features a 35mm sized circular dial making it ideal for users with slim wrists. The case has a metal chassis and a monochromatic touchscreen that can be woken up by a quick tap or moving wrist. There are also unique patterns depending on the color options integrated into the lens glass that add a stylish backdrop to the health data.
On the health-centric front, the Garmin Lily 2 is equipped with a 24×7 heart rate monitor, respiration, SpO2, and stress trackers. It gets a sleep score that measures the quality of rest and sleep based on various factors. In times of high stress, the smartwatch offers meditation practices and breathing techniques. Since the wearable device is women-centric, it is capable of tracking menstrual cycles and pregnancy. The Lily 2 also provides exercise and nutrition education. There is a body battery monitor that reveals energy levels throughout the day and the sedentary reminder alerts the user with various suggested movements.
The Garmin Lily 2 packs support for 18 sports modes. It can now also track dance activities with various supported styles including Zumba, Afrobeat, Bollywood, EDM, and hip-hop.
Garmin Lily 2 also has convenient features
When the Garmin Lily 2 is paired with an Android phone or an iPhone, users can receive various notifications like email, text messages, calendar alerts, etc. It lacks a built-in GPS and hence users need to rely on a connected smartphone. The smartwatch can also notify emergency contacts if it detects any incident. The original Lily lacked this feature. The Garmin Lily 2 is claimed to offer 5 days of battery life on a single charge.
The Garmin Lily 2 is priced at $249. The Lily 2 Classic with support for Garmin Pay carries a price tag of $279.