News Tips


Got a Hot Tip? We Love Tips!

Tips are an important part of the news cycle which makes them super important to us.
Consumers, device owners, and users are often able to provide invaluable information that
can help others when shared. If you feel there’s something others should know about then
we want to know about it. If you tell us, we can tell others and help to spread the word.

To submit a general tip to send an email to: [email protected]

Some important things to note before sending in a tip:

  • Tips are not always about the most insider information. Of course, if you do have
    insider information and want to share it with us anonymously, then please do.
    Otherwise, a tip can be about anything you deem important. Maybe it’s just the way a
    device is working (or not working) or something interesting you read/saw/heard
    somewhere. Whatever it is, if it’s interesting to you, it’s probably interesting to others
    as well.


  • When you send in a tip we are accepting the tip as having been given permission to
    use and distribute the information, images, or other assets as we see fit. Unless
    requested a tip may be used as-is and without further contact from AndroidHeadlines.


  • Anonymity is important to us. We are more than happy to provide named credit when
    wanted and equally happy to ensure who you remain a mystery. But we do
    need to know this information up front. If you wish to remain anonymous then please
    make it clear when sending in the tip. If you wish to be credited with the information,
    please let us know. As a rule, we always look to blur/remove personal information
    from images and assets.


  • If the material is sensitive and you would rather speak to someone directly before
    submitting then you can tip or email us providing your contact details and we will try
    to get back in contact with you.


  • All of the editors specialize in different areas of technology and will always be happy to
    accept your tips directly. So if there is someone, in particular, you would rather
    communicate with to provide information then all contact details for all members of
    the editing team can be found on our staff page.


  • If you work for a company or business who might be adversely affected by the tip, or
    if there’s a possibility it could jeopardize your job directly, then avoid contacting us
    through a work or easy to identify personal email.


Sharing is caring……